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Trauma Therapy and Addiction Treatment

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What is trauma?
Examples of trauma
Trauma therapy

What is Trauma?

Trauma is exposure to an incident or series of events that are disturbing, emotionally, or life-threatening. These incidents significantly impact a person’s mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.

What are Examples of Trauma?

These traumatic events include:

  • Any trauma related to childhood (Neglect or abuse).

  • Any physical, mental, or emotional abuse.

  • Living with an addict or a family member with mental illness.

  • Sudden, unexplained separation of a loved one.

  • Death of a loved one.

  • Poverty (financial crisis).

  • Racism or discrimination.

  • Violence, war, or terrorism.

According to some studies, about 70% of adults experience some trauma, and approximately 33% of children and youth are exposed to some violence that leads to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many people experience different kinds of trauma and are coping with its mental and physical symptoms. Dealing with trauma can be challenging and demanding for the patient and the family. But with the help of different therapies, it can be cured.


“While not all trauma survivors experience long-term negative consequences, we know that the experience of trauma can profoundly affect someone’s psychological, social, physical, occupational, and financial functioning.”



What is Trauma Therapy?

Talking about trauma and its variety among people, it can be very different in children, young adults, adults, and older adults. The psychological, physiological, neurological, and social aspects vary from person to person. Therefore, the therapist designs the treatment protocols on an individual basis. It can be psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or counseling. Trauma therapy aims to provide mental and physical relaxation and help the person live peacefully without any episodes of unwanted symptoms.


Many therapies aim to help the child, adolescent, and adult survivors heal from the traumatic event. There are three types of trauma; the patients are dealing with:


Acute trauma is a single traumatic event like a sexual assault, disaster, or accident.



Chronic trauma is defined as multiple episodes of any traumatic event and dealing with long-term events like violence, bullying, neglect, sexual abuse, or suffering from an illness for a long time.



Complex trauma deals with multiple traumatic events at one time, like sexual abuse, childhood abuse, and domestic violence.

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Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Expert Contributor

Dr. Williams presently serves on the board of Directors for two non-profit service organizations. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, Philadelphia, Pa, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University. In Cincinnati, Ohio. He is licensed to practice addictions counseling in both New Jersey and Connecticut and has a pending application as a practicing Psychologist in New Jersey.

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Types of trauma

Types of Trauma Therapy  

There are many therapies Rolling Hills Recovery Center provides to help patients deal with acute or chronic trauma, providing countless benefits to the patients and helping them live everyday, stress-free lives. While there are numerous therapy approaches, the purpose of all trauma-focused therapy is to integrate the traumatic event into your life, not subtract it.


People dealing with psychological symptoms of trauma are fighting inside with themselves, their fears, and their guilt. Trauma therapy helps them embrace positivity and divert their minds from negative thoughts and stressful sensations.

Treat your drug addiction

Treat Your Drug Addiction!

Any trauma can be excruciating and challenging for the survivor and the family. It can lead to severe mental health issues like substance use disorder (SUD), anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. Early diagnosis and therapy intervention can result in healing and helps them in living an everyday stress-free life.

Trauma therapy assists in learning about the trauma and the problems associated with it and provide plenty of benefits which include:

  • It helps to focus on the present rather than the past.

  • Deals in personal care and growth.

  • It helps in minimizing trauma-related symptoms.

  • Eliminates the risk of self-harm.

  • Challenge problematic thought patterns you may have developed about yourself. 

  • Reduces any substance abuse (drug or alcohol addiction).

  • Focus on implementing and practicing healthy coping skills.

  • Reduces unwanted symptoms by managing and regulating the nervous system.

  • Improve self-esteem and self-worth.

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Many people are dealing with some minor or significant trauma in their lives. These traumatic events can be a history of child abuse, sexual abuse, or violence. Many psychological and neurological symptoms are associated with it, like guilt, fear, heart palpitations, shaking, etc. Some also develop other mental health illnesses and even get into addiction, which can worsen the situation and the effects of trauma.

Trauma-focused therapy works with patients to help them understand their trauma and address their symptoms and problems in healthier ways. Trauma therapy is a widely used intervention in helping and treating patients and has proven benefits for physical and mental well-being. Trauma therapy aims to provide mental and psychological relaxation to help the person live peacefully without any episodes of unwanted symptoms.


If you are suffering from the same condition and dealing with trauma or post-traumatic stress, ask for help. Many people suffered and got treated. You can also live stress-free, and trauma therapy is the best option to initiate healthy living.


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