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Can I Recover from Alcoholism?

Recent National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) research showed that 138.522 million Americans aged 12 and over drink alcohol. 20.4% of these people have an alcohol use disorder. Despite these large numbers, it is possible to recover from alcoholism.

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a relapsing addictive ailment that causes tolerance or dependence on alcohol. The daily intake of alcohol spirals to the point that it interferes with other aspects of your life, including your mental state, physical health, work, family, and social life.


Excess alcohol intake leads to both psychological and physical addiction. Psychological addiction refers to the state of your mind and emotional behavior concerning substance abuse, such as severe alcohol cravings. On the other hand, physical dependence involves experiencing physical symptoms like shivers when you withdraw or reduce your alcohol consumption.

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Alcoholism Treatment Facts

Alcoholism is one of the highest causes of death in the US despite being preventable and treatable. A report by NSDUH in 2019 concluded that about 7.2 percent of Americans aged 12 and older who suffered from AUD in the past year received some form of treatment in the past year. This number includes 6.9% of males and 7.8% of females with past-year AUD in this age group.


The report further stated that 6.4 percent of adolescents, both males, and females, aged 12 to 17, who had AUD in the previous year received treatment. 6.9% of adult males and 7.9% of adult females 18 years and older with AUD in the last year also received treatment.

Less than 4% of people with AUD were prescribed a medication approved by the FDA to treat their disorder. You are more likely to seek care from a primary healthcare provider for alcohol-related treatment if you are suffering from AUD but not specifically for the excess use of alcohol.

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Expert Contributor

Dr. Williams presently serves on the board of Directors for two non-profit service organizations. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, Philadelphia, Pa, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University. In Cincinnati, Ohio. He is licensed to practice addictions counseling in both New Jersey and Connecticut and has a pending application as a practicing Psychologist in New Jersey.

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Can Alcoholism Be Treated Successfully?

Yes, alcoholism, like any other addiction, is a treatable disorder. Research carried out by NIDA has led to the development of research-based treatment methods and procedures that can help you to stop using alcohol and other substances. You can successfully recover from alcoholism by adhering to the treatment programs in a treatment facility offering professional help. A full recovery assures you of a more productive life.  


You may realize that you are an alcoholic and genuinely desire to quit using alcohol and other substances; going at it alone is never an option since the rate of relapse is very high. The journey to recovery is long and sometimes difficult, but with support from friends, family members, support groups, and other organized settings, your recovery burden is lessened.

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What Causes Relapse?

Relapse is not selective and can happen to you at any stage of your recovery from alcoholism. Below are a few triggers that you may need to watch out for to avoid relapse;

  • Hanging out with your peers who still abuse alcohol.

  • Spending time at the places where you used to buy alcohol.

  • Seeing others drink alcohol.

  • Being stressed or depressed.

  • Moods and feelings that led you to drink previously.


Avoiding stress and the other things that trigger your relapse gives you a better chance of a successful recovery. Knowing about places, situations, and peers that led you to drink is one way of deciding to avoid such sites and stop those friendships.

Rolling Hills Recovery Center offers free 24/7 alcohol addiction support. Call today and confidentially speak with our addiction specialists at 855-559-8550.

Keys Factors to Consider to Recover From Alcoholism

SAMHSA defines recovery from alcohol problems as the process of change through which you achieve abstinence, improved health, wellness, and quality of life.

Some of the key factors you may need to consider to recover from alcoholism include but may not be limited to;


Be Ready to Change

This decision is entirely your own. Those around you may want you to change your drinking habit, but until you decide to take that step, then it's not happening. You have to decide to change and follow the correct recovery platforms.


Belief in your Ability to Overcome Alcoholism and its Challenges

Psychologically, it is essential to believe that you can become sober. You will find out that it is not accessible due to past experiences and multiple challenges you will encounter. Thinking and having the conviction to recover from alcoholism and its challenges is a step in the right direction which builds daily on itself, making you more robust with each passing day.

The more positive changes you create, the more capable you feel, and the more skilled you feel, the more energy you have to keep the positive changes going.


Maintenance of Psychological and Emotional Wellness

There's a strong link that binds alcoholism and other mental health problems. It is essential to treat both conditions simultaneously. During your treatment, you may have used a facility that offers dual diagnosis. Treating alcoholism without addressing co-occurring mental health issues is unproductive, and you may find it hard to stay sober for long.



Support is key to your recovery. You may get support from family members, friends, peers, and other members of your support groups. It would help if you had people who could cheer you on during your recovery and talk to you when you are experiencing any challenges or even about the milestones you have made.


Loved ones, especially family members and friends, are an excellent support team for helping stay afloat amidst the storms. Their effort, help, and support give you the strength you need to continue fighting.

The therapy session in support groups, especially for people with similar conditions, helps you with coping mechanisms and ways of overcoming challenges.


Follow a Certain Routine

Having a structured routine in your daily activities means you have an organized pattern that you adhere to. This pattern keeps you busy and gives you time to re-integrate into the community and get your life back. These routines also help you avoid depression, isolation, and feelings of loneliness.


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A patient navigator is ready to help. Our team of dedicated professionals are here to help 24 hours a day.


Bottom Line

You can recover from alcoholism. You can have your life back and recover everything and everyone you lost due to alcoholism. Your conviction and desire to recover is the weapon you need to adhere to treatment and the recovery process.

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Key factors to consider to recover from alcoholism
Alcoholism treatment facts
Can alcoholism be treated successfully?
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